wonder what's the number of horns on a unicorn? I asked google & guess what was the answer? not less than 140140743899!! (I don't talk about great google calculator of course :p)

this is not the first time google gives such strange & ironic answers, if you searched a while ago for "she invented", you would have got a suggestion from big google stating: "Did you mean "He invented"?".
give it a try now, you won't get that weird (& sexist) suggestion, seems google recanted, instead you'll get a list of interesting results.
give it a try now, you won't get that weird (& sexist) suggestion, seems google recanted, instead you'll get a list of interesting results.
Why would you even post that? It's an Ebay routing number not an answer to your question.
If you had actually looked at the result - it was for an Ebay auction and the huge number was the item number. NOT the answer you were looking for.
Weird? No. Dumb? Yes
I guess it's also dumb to search Google for "number of horns on a unicorn" ??
I know the answer, the calculator result is displayed in my screenshot, but the number displayed in the 1st "search" result was funny & it was before the result was altered by all the blogs posts about that :)
hahaha you dont even understand what they just explained to you, do you?
I know what eBay is ;)
you are stupid. there is nothing remotely funny about an eBay item number.
Huh? What is funny and/or weird about an Ebay item number? I'm not understanding the humor.
I posted this months ago, that time there was a popular story on Digg & everybody was asking Google .. I wonder why after all this time people are again interested in knowing the number of unicorn horn(s) ???
Check post date: July 31, 2007
quote: "I'm not understanding the humor."
It's the number itself .. maybe the weird is the understandable humor, who cares anyways .. this won't make the world better :)
I think it's funny even if you don't consider the date it was posted on.
I also think the people who left comments here are rude, left-brain thinking retards.
They are unimaginative and can't find the humour in absurdity. and they're also so quick to be cruel to you. it's really stupid.
If you don't know what google hit results mean then you are stupid. Google is a computer. hence it can only search for WORDS as such, and basic phrases. Google does not know and understand the english language. Hence it can only search for parts of your question and displays the results with the highest number of identical words that you have typed in. so as long as the words unicorn, many, horns, does, how, a, and have appear on the page - google will see it as a correct result.
The hit result was for a unicorn-related ebay item and i don't have to explain how unintelligent the original post is...
OK, you don't know me to call me idiot, I wouldn't mind if you called the post idiot ;)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Now about Google, I probably know more than you how the algorithm works, Google just can't think like a human, that's why many times search results are irrelevant.
Wow, you all need to lighten up.
Think outside the box and just have a sense of humour.
You're the sort of people who sit there and tell the punchline of someone else's joke, then explain why it "isn't physically possible".
The guy trys to bring some light and humour into this world, and you just try and drag it down.
Talk about the next generation of grammar nazi's.
Fail. It's just an Ebay item number. I get it though. BUT it's a fucking horrible joke. You fail at humor.
this is dumb
what a piece of shit
try searching for the answer to life, the universe, and everything. It will say 42 on Google Calculator.
haha, that's how i got to this post. :)
retarded! you said that google states that a unicorn has no less than ######### horns. i don't see that anywhere.
that is an ebay item number and you should just delete this post, because it makes no sense.
I can't believe this comments... You all are able to believe in a unicorn or search for the question but nearly nobody is able to laugh about this!?
Gosh... why would you search for the number of horns on a UNI-corn in the first place? The only really weird thing about this whole article is that there are actually people who don't even read the the name of their object of interest properly - at least it seems so...
And OH WONDER, you finally discovered that the internet is home to tons of senseless links between any two given items - as a blogger you should know better.
I didn't spend any time on looking at more ouf your blogposts, but despite the quality of this article i guess (ans hope) they are of better quality and that this article remains a one-time fail!
I have to say I find it far more funny that there are so many people without lives that have the time to actually lambaste mumu for posting something he found funny. If your (probably nonexistent) sense of humor doesn't allow you to get this joke, why do insist that it cannot be funny in any possible way and is just proof of mental retardation on the author's part because you don't get it?
true.. but it would be more funny too get 42 as an answer from the google calculator :P
I agree. dumb. just an item number, nothing special at all.
i hate every single one of you
in first, i just thought, this stuff is boring and not even worth writing about it...
but after reading the comments - lol, you guys suck. get a fucking live, instead of crying the shit out of your heads complaining about an ebay item number.
with best regards from germany, retards...
u should make an aRtIcLe about yer cRAzY sellf lololololololollllll! u cannot uze GoOgole! lololololololololllllllllllllllllll
It's a year later and I'm still laughing !!!! HAHAHAHAHa
Something i find amusing is how drawn out this conversation is. The humor of the original post is not lost on me but in reading all of these posts... hillarious.
~A since of humor is a sign of intelligence, no matter how stupid the humor is.~ Mama Talbot
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