the most interesting sicko passages for me are first the one with a guy who got two fingers cut had to choose which one to recover, the one that costs $60.000 or the other costing $12.000. ironic & maybe funny but ... imagine a person who instead of his fingers have to choose between paying a fortune & live or not to pay & die ...
then there was mike travel to england where he was surprised being in a hospital in which all was free for patients, he was looking desperately for "the catch", it wasn't possible people were charged nothing for all the services!! finally he found the hospital cachier, bingo! but guess what? the cachier wasn't taking money, he was on the contrary giving away money!
finally there were those 9/11 rescue workers & volunteers who suffered from various ailments caused by their job & were taken by mike to cuba, in which they found a medecine costing 5 u.s. cents while is worth $120 in the u.s. & then they got the health-care they'd been denied in the world richest country ...
as an eyes opener, the movie is great, I just hope it's the trigger to make things change positively ...
well some fun now, talking about health care & insurance, did you ever thought of what you would do if you got a gay child? coa or the "coming out insurance" helps you to avoid any unpleasant surprises & will reimburse any "gay related expenses". checkout the comercial!
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